Tips for traveling alone as a woman
Are you planning a trip to see the world solo? We've compiled the perfect guide for traveling alone. There are many reasons why traveling alone is great. There’s unlimited freedom, alone time and it’s a great opportunity to meet new people. Your schedule is yours to plan and you can spend money on whatever you what, what else could be better? There are travel groups specifically for women that bring together ladies who want to adventure by oneself; Road Scholar, Women Traveling Together and Women’s Travel Club are great options.
If you’re traveling alone, it’s a good idea to plan for your safety. Packing personal protection items like a door alarm is an affordable option that doesn't take up much space in your carry-on. Pack cash in several different areas so if anything gets stolen, you have backup, and never tell anyone you’re traveling alone. If you’re staying at a hotel, request a higher level, as there’s usually some security before the elevators, and ask if there’s going to be staff 24/7. When sightseeing, try to blend in, avoid wearing anything that screams “I'm a tourist”. Send your hotel address, itinerary and copies of travel documents (plane tickets, transfers, passports) to someone you trust so they know where you are as an extra precaution.
Before you go, do some research about the area and attractions you’re going to be visiting. Research if there are any travel alerts or warnings in the area, if you need a tourist visa, any restrictions on packed items (such as medication) or clothing. It's important to research what currency is used, proper etiquette and cultural norms. Make sure to pack clothing that respects the values and culture of the area or religious sites you visit. If traveling to different countries, research if the water is safe to drink due to illnesses that can be transmitted by bad water. The U.S. Department of State’s website has a list of every country and area with any information you could need. Now that you’re ready to plan your trip, read on for packing tips and tricks.
Trying to play clothing roulette with your whole closet can be hard, especially if you aren't planning to check luggage and have to fit everything in your carry-on. Only pack items you know you will definitely wear and stick to one color palette to prevent overpacking! Bringing only two pairs of shoes, your favorite sneakers or tennis shoes and your favorite heels, strappy sandals or ballet flats, can be hard but it’s another great way of saving space.
Another great tip for traveling is wearing compression. Compression is great for long periods of sitting, whether you are in a plane, train or car. When worn during travel, it can help prevent swelling, blood clots and Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT). After all, that’s how our brand was started -- our founder, Kelsey Minarik, developed a blood clot (DVT) while on a flight.
DVT occurs when a blood clot forms in one or more of the deep veins in your body, usually in your legs. DVT can cause leg pain or swelling, but also can occur with no symptoms, and you can get DVT if you have certain medical conditions that affect how your blood clots. Not moving for a long time, such as after you have surgery or an accident, when you're traveling a long distance, or when you're on bed rest can result in a blood clot. DVT can be very serious because blood clots in your veins can break loose, travel through your bloodstream and get stuck in your lungs, blocking blood flow. RejuvaHealth has stylish compression options for travel. Bring extra so your legs can easily recover from long days of sightseeing. Your legs and feet will thank you!
Packing essentials in your carry-on such as Chapstick, a book or trashy magazine, snacks, your favorite pair of headphones, disposable or cloth face masks, medications, an extra pair of clothes, hand sanitizer and toiletries are great ways to stay comfortable during travel.
Traveling alone is a great experience, as long as you stay safe (and read this blog). What’s your favorite part about traveling alone?