Effective (and Weird) Ways to Recycle Your Pantyhose This Spring
Tired of just throwing away pantyhose after they wear out? Interested in getting a little more use out of them? US TOO!
We’ve discovered that together we can help the Earth and prevent the immediate landfill disposal of compression garments by taking a different perspective on recycling. We’ve listed a few, effective repurposing tips that are perfect for using around the house this spring.
Dish Scrubber
This trick is easy. Start by bunching up a clean, old pair of pantyhose, adding a small amount of liquid dishwashing detergent and warm water, and begin scrubbing away at your nonstick cookware. They can also provide for a great everyday scrubber for dishes. Simply cut out the toe of the garment and cover an old sponge. You’re now ready to wash away!
Secure trash bags
If you’ve ever had issues with the trash bag liner slipping down into the trashcan, this is a perfect solution for you. With an old pair of pantyhose, you can firmly secure the top of the garbage bag to your trashcan by taking the elastic waistband of the garment and tying it around the top part of the trashcan.
Dust under the fridge
Tie an old pair of pantyhose to a wired clothes hanger, and then secure it with a rubber band. The pantyhose will help pick up the dust by simply doing a quick sweep underneath those hard-to-reach places, like the refrigerator.
Prevent soil erosion in houseplants
It’s a great feeling seeing how well your house plant is thriving and surviving! However, we all know the plant eventually outgrows its pot, forcing you to transfer it to a more comfortable abode. Use a pair of pantyhose as a liner for the new pot. This will allow for excess water to flow out without dehydrating the rest of the soil.
Keep deer out of your garden
Spring brings new life to the natural world around us. As much as we love it, the animals typically don’t mind their manners while feasting away at the blossoming garden you put so much work in to. Prevent this from happening by filling the foot portion of pantyhose with human hair and placing it around the outer parts of the garden. The smell is very unappetizing to deer, preventing them from coming back for seconds. Over time, the hair begins to lose its scent – be sure to refill the pantyhose with new hair once every week.
Cover a kids’ bug jar
Childhood is all about those warm nights of catching fireflies in a mason jar. Keep those magical bugs safe by covering the top of the Mason jar with an old pair of pantyhose. Simply cut a large square from the garment, and then secure it safely to the jar with a rubber band. This will prevent you from the daunting task of cutting holes in the aluminum top.
Test a sanded surface for snags
Thinking of starting a new project that involves woodwork? Test the surface of the wood by placing an old pair of pantyhose over your hand and running the garment along the surface. If the nylon catches at any point, the wood still needs to be sanded. Continue the test until the garment smoothly runs along the surface.
Clean your pool
Want a more effective way to skim the debris off the surface of your pool water? An old pair of pantyhose serves as the perfect self-made pool net. Simply cut off the leg of the garment and attach it to a pool skimmer basket. This will help catch the pesky dirt particles and hairs that typically clog the pool’s filter unit.
Make a paint strainer
Use an old pair of pantyhose to filter and remove the lumps of paint that form in an old paint can. It’s as simple as cutting the pantyhose then stretching the fabric over a clean bucket or other recyclable. Hold the garment in place with a rubber band or the waistband. Check to see if the garment is secure then slowly pour the paint over the piece of pantyhose and into the paint bucket.
Buff your shoes
Bring out the shine in your freshly polished shoes by buffing them with a medium-length strip of pantyhose. It works so well, you may retire that chamois cloth for good.
Keep your hairbrush clean
There is nothing pleasant about cleaning out a hairbrush covered in hair. Cut a piece of the pantyhose in unison to the shape of your brush, the push it through the bristles of a clean hairbrush. Next time you go to clean the hair off, simple pull up the pantyhose for easy removal. Replace it with a clean strip.
Hold mothballs or potpourri
Looking for an easy way to store mothballs in your closet or to make sachets of potpourri to keep in your dresser drawers? Pour either ingredient into the toe section of your recycled nylons, knot off the contents, and then cut off the remaining hose. If you plan to hang up the mothballs, be sure to leave several inches of material before cutting.